Staff and supervisor
Here you can learn about the role of the SI-PASS supervisor and the responsibilities involved in overseeing the SI-PASS programme at your institution. Discover the necessary training, upcoming conferences, and networking opportunities available to support you in this position.
The SI-PASS supervisor is a trained staff member responsible for overseeing the SI-PASS programme at the university, institution, faculty, or department level.
As a supervisor, your role is to run, monitor and evaluate the SI-PASS programme. This involves securing funding, recruiting leaders, selecting courses, addressing practical issues such as scheduling, training and supervising the leaders, and assessing the programme's effectiveness. To become an SI-PASS supervisor, you must complete the required supervisor training.
Supervisor training
The supervisor training explains what SI-PASS is, how it works, and how to implement it in higher education. This training is only offered by certified SI-PASS trainers from the International Centre for Supplemental Instruction at UMKC in the USA. This training is provided by Certified Trainers at the European Centre for SI-PASS.
View the upcoming supervisor training courses offered by the European Centre for SI-PASS
The European Centre for SI-PASS organises regular conferences for SI-PASS supervisors and leaders.
Supervisor networks
As a supervisor, you join a large network of SI-PASS professionals. The European Centre for SI-PASS also offers free online networking opportunities for supervisors across Europe.
Discover networking opportunities for SI-PASS supervisors and learn how to get involved
The European Centre for SI-PASS is at Lund University
si-pass [at] stu [dot] lu [dot] se
Linda Dahlberg
Education Officer
+46 46 222 03 51
Joakim Malm
Associate Professor
+46 46 222 75 71
Lise-Lotte Mörner
Project Manager
+46 46 222 70 67